понедельник, 16 апреля 2018 г.

word formation in use

1. -Intall or activate you antivirus app! Or call to it's hotline support. It'll take 3 minutes and might save your important files!
2. We have to call in museum immediately! I hope he has got his cellphone to message him now! I don't think it's too late to find him or call the police.
3. I really don't think it's too late to figure out who will change him tomorrow. Otherwise, I know great player holding back on your spare bench!
4.Don't worry, there are a lot of famous people in this city! Actually, I know how to find out the schedule of one of them!

1.Install or check your antivirus app activation! Or contact to it's call-centre. It'll take probably 3 minutes and probably will save your neccesary immportant files!

2.We have to contact with museum manger quickly! I bet he carry on his phone to message him! I don't think it's too late to find him or call to emergency services.

3. The way is to replace him by the other player from common team or to shift the game.

4. Don't worry, there are many of able famous people here! Furthermore, I met one of them. 

вторник, 10 апреля 2018 г.

Net entertainment

At the beginning, Internet is the global web all around the Earth. Firstly it s develope in 1960s by Joseph Licklayder. By then he made first detailed concept of net. 

By 1971, the first program to send e-mail on the network was developed. This program immediately became very popular.
In 1973, the first foreign organizations from Great Britain and Norway were connected to the network via a transatlantic telephone cable, the network became international.
By 2015 net reached 3.3B of users.

Now the internet is consist of infinite amount of information. You can use it to study, to chat and for entertainment.
Nowadays internet-Entertainment made of  Youtube, facebook, vk, snapchat and more. Today many of us are actually addicted of social media.
Internet gain more and more users and becoming even popular than TV an radio. For example it’s more interestid to watch films in net in case of less amount of ads. Internet caused peopleto share the information. People know the truth. That’s why government try to ban it.